ITS FINALLY NEW YEAR'S EVE!! (: gonna meet up with celine, brandon kang, danial, bryan and wei xiang (dick) later in the aftrnoon. (: awwww~ miss them so much! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (: WELCOME 2012!
Showing posts from 2011
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Have you ever dreamt about someone so many times you ever wondered if they have ever dreamt of you? Or even, think about you. Well, I have. I dreamt about one of my closest friend and well, I kinda had a crush on him once for about 3-5 months. -.- I know. Pathetic right? I mean, what can I do? I'm older than him by a year. Anyway, I dunno. He well, treats me unlike other girls. Like a punching bag but I'm the only one and he bridal-carried me. Probably that was because I'm the smallest among his friends but he's a guy so he'll be able to carry girls that are just under his weight. Well, whatever. I know I'm like fucking pathetic but that's just how I feel do whatever. And well, I dreamt about him for 3 straight nights, i'm literally getting sick of it. -.- damn. It's Christmas night so I hope I'm able to have good dreams tonight. MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVELY READERS!! (: xoxo
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Captain's Ball Match was today. played for i think 3 or 4 matches then stopped playing coz i sprained my thumb.. my first sprain of my life. worst part of the sprain, its my left hand - my master hand. ): its gonna be so difficult for me this week. won't be able to write properly. ): great...... abbie told me not to move this shit but its so tough not to coz its my master hand and when i move the other fingers, which are now, numb, i tend to move my thumb as well coz my whole hand is swollen!!! like FAT! jeesh! my gosh! i can't even bend my thumb properly! )))): anyway yeah but overall, had fun today. won third place. (: so tomorrow i am so damn free!!! was thinking of going jp or somwhere.. i dunno. damn, three weeks of nothing?
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i went for my PPCDL Theory Test today and i failed by 6 marks. how depressing is that?! so i booked another test just now and its on 25th January!! MY GOSH!! I have to wait for another month and a half?!!! gosh! well, at least then i have that duration to study and practice. and this is just the theory. i have no confidence at all for the practical test!! ): god help me and guide me through this tests.. amin! (:
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exams have finally started and today was Economics paper.. it was easier than i thought but i don't know if i got the right answers or not. i hope i do. i have a pretty good feeling about it. tomorrow is Bunkering Practice so i hope i could nail that one too. i watched HIMYM today and it stopped at episode 11 of season 7 and it was AMAZING!! AWESOMEEEE!! (: now, the suspense is on Robin and Barney where Robin tells Barney that she was pregnant. probably with his son so yeah! Dying for the next episode. and also today, i bought my stationaries! lost it last friday and seriously went crazy over it!! GOSH! my ever-so-perfect-calculator is in there with the approved sticker! now i have to use the calculator with isn't-so-perfect and the batteries are running low. its night time already. how in the world am i going to get new batteries?! dear god, help me through this exam period! i need the calculator for Statistics.! damn that tang.. -.-
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he is one hot trumpeter!! oh gosh! net thrusday, 8th December, he will be holding his concert at the Esplanade and there aren't much seats left! though its the last row, i would definitely wanna like see him perform live though from a distance. so yeah! gosh! if i really do will get the ticket, i'll be so delighted! (:
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today forgot about hanging out with Pool Gang, so ended up being like 2 hours late.. hahaha. went to mindscafe played games and all.. both my legs still ached since yesterday.. when i woke up this afternoon (and i really woke up in the afternoon due to exhaustion), the bones of my legs literally felt like its gonna break, but after a while it subsided A BIT.. so i went out, reached dhiby ghaut and on my way to prinsep street, the bones in my calves felt like its gonna be crushed! thought that a few more steps and my bones break. gosh! it was aching that bad! and i can't walk properly!! OMG!! till now! i can't walk properly.. like i have to walk with a straight feet. how the fuck am i going to go to school tomorrow??!! Oh My Gosh!!
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the most awkward thing happened today. hahah! after SMART Programme, me, abbie, toni, huifang and ken rode on anna's (zach's gf) car. so on our way to dover MRT, we were like asking her how she met zach and whatever. so we told her that zach was funny, nice guy etc etc (of course we can't talk bad about zach. duhh). then she went, "really? i don't really know him that well" then ken went, "but i thought you and zach are............." then there was this SUPER AWKWARD MOMENT FOR ABOUT 10 FREAKING SECONDS!! HAHHAH! i swear it was super awkward! so i am obviously the first one to laugh then everybody start to join me.. lol.. so yeah.. like OMG!! hhahah!! then yeah... we continue chatting and yup yup.. went home of course.. so at dover, ken said bye to huifang, toni, abbie and me. and the 4 of us went home together. when i reached lakeside, i saw ken at lakeside too.. coicidentally, he lived at jurong west.. heh.. so yeah.. FUN DAY TODAY!! (:
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yesterday went out to Indoor Stadium with Nabilah to watch WESTLIFE GRAVIITY TOUR 2011!!! omg! no words could describe how AMAZING THEY WERE! (: and they still are. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! HAHAHA~! we took seats that we could see their faces so its all worth it to the max!! hahaha! very! even if i spent 200++ for them, its all worth it! haha!! omg! im was damn excited sia! gosh gosh gosh!! OMG OMG OMG~~ i could die! GOSH! so hot! all of them! MARK, SHANE, KIAN AND NICKY!! ohhh so HOT!! *melts* heheheh! gosh! they are just so AWESOME! hahah!! and i got a new camera! happy happy! (: what i want is: - money for my PPCDL - a book (from a new series) [i know.. greedy right] - a wallet - a freaking watch.. -.- - a new pack of monopoly deal (coz my bro's friend lost the cards) ~~ xoxo, suhaidah
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hey so it's been awhile since i updated.. well, its the holidays now and i'm really bored here at home without absolutely anything to do! gosh! i spent my days at home like i ain't got a life! gosh! it's depressing i swear! hah! i don't have a job to keep me occupied, i don't have homework to do (can't believe i'm saying this!), i ain't got any activities! i wanna go overseas but hey! who to go with me? damn! today, i walked pass zulfadhli and i smiled at him for the first time after 1 year and 6 months! after so many times walking pass him and really i don't know, seems to me like he is staring at me from a distance. kinda creepy i must say! i mean, he's like 3 years younger than me! so i told myself the next time i pass by him, i would smile to him. but next time never came till a year later, which is today! so i walked pass him and my mouth automatically smiled to him and god forgive me! he is freakin' cute when he smiles! i'm no ...
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7 more days to go to raya! WHHHOOOOOOTSS!! hahah! and i have 2 months holiday so ummm.. i have no idea what to do sia.. i wanna work so bad! but esplanade have enough people and i dunno want work as what siol.. ): MBS like okay but then work as what?? haiyo.. its okay.. i'll just find slowly.. (:
for now, i'm helping my mum bake cookies and hari raya sweeties! haha! i forgot the correct term.. hahaah!! nevermind then.. i need to take care of my face more! gosh! so oily! a lot of pimples! eeeewww!! damn!
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its the 9th day of ramadhan. AMIN! (: so exams are like 6 days away and i'm not studying. GREAT! just great. so yeah, damn.. i should really get my laptop away from me yeah! AHAH! then i guess i have to get my ipod away as well. gosh, it'll never work. great. so all i have to do now is just concentrate on my work and turn the music on so loud it'll kinda distract me.. well, it works for me in a way.. so yeah. okok, gotta get on with studying
and..... my posts are getting more and more rubbish.. -.-
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LAST DAY OF JULY!! whhooooottsss!! (: tmr is the first day of fasting month and first day of August! (: omg! this is going to be so cool! hehehe!! can't wait for tmr.. !! o: hehe! on the other side then, exams coming in real quick. projects to do, presentations, assignments! GOSH!! so many things to do with SO LITTLE TIME!! can can can! WE can do this! during this month, hope the class will bond closer and such so we could all get the same range of grades and pull ourselves up together to get to sem2 as a class! (: WE CAN DO THIS~~! (: (: (:
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assumptions assumptions.. sometimes irritating, sometimes well, true.. my case, IRRITATING~!! i don't know whether you readers of mine out there know who or what i'm talking about but then i'll just say it anyway. -.- no i don't and possibly won't. too weird, too well, unrealistic.. he's a cool guy but no way. just too.. weird.. at the rate you guys are going right now, it's too irritating for me and i don't want to tell you guys because well, you guys may just say, "DON'T DENY! I KNOW!" or "EH EH EH,, IF YOU LIKE JUST SAY, NO NEED LIE TO US LA.." if i lie, what good would i bring? i can't possibly ignore him.. he bully me, i have to like have a comeback of sort.. whatever then.. man, i just hope you guys understands.. (:
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Mid-Semester Test (MST) week FINALLY over! (: YESSSAA!!! hahaha! well, knowing the fact that today is sunday morning at 1am, yesterday, i had alumni practice and after that i was suppose to go to my aunt's place at seranggoon but i had dinner with my friends and after dinner went for dessert. went home just now at 12 midnight! (: spent 3 hours with them playing mind games and i got mind-fucked at two games. black magic and what's next. -.- OMG! i really dunno how to play sia! i was like WHAAAT?! hehehe. so yeah, since it's like midnight, i ain't so 'energetic' to go to seranggoon which is like an hour ride on the train so, i went home instead and now, i'm like all alone at home while my family is all the way at seranggoon sleeping over there. i'm having alumni practice later at 1pm but i don't feel like sleeping now dunno why. watching a television show that i didn't know my whole life. -.- woots.. (:
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5 more days to studying!! ): yesterday, went to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) with Brandon Kang, Dick and Celine! (: HAD A BLAST! WHOOOO~! rides were awesome! had some difficulty eating dinner though. heheh. so yeah. after the USS, which was around 9, we went to this fountain right outside it to play. was planning to like run across the place without getting wet but in the end, a push here, a pull there, all of us got wet except for Dick. he wasn't feeling very well so he rested. and yeah. hahah! i was holding on to Celine's hand and then Brandon he pulled Celine to one side and i lost grip of Celine so i stumbled to another side and faced down (have no idea why i faced down) and in that moment, the water rushed out and went into my nose! OMG! i was like wtf! hahaha! i wanted to get out of the circle and ended up getting elbowed by a small girl in the stomach and it REALLY HURTS! HAHAH!! seriously! that girl could grow up to be a martial artist! HAHAHA! (: good luck! and so...
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SOOOOOO,,,,, today is the 18th.. ): one more week of holiday and left one week more for me to study. GOSH! i haven't been studying during the holidays!! SHIT!! i don't wanna fail )': okok, need to buck up, be discipline and study. (: weeeee~! OMG! i'm seriously panicking right now! i hope i don't fail my first test! GOSH! it'll be SOOO EMBARRASSING!! jeesh! gotta study in every possible minute or even second i have! i NEED TO DO THIS!! HAHAH! gotta get back to study mode! have been slacking these past 3 weeks! no choice but to study! gotta get band, dikir outta my mind as soon as the i reach home after trainings. BE A GOOD GIRL, SUHAIDAH, AND STUDY HARD! *AND SMART* HEHEEHE (:
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asdfghjkl projects! projects! gosh! i wanna work~!! esplanade!!!! holidays are ending and i haven't started studying yet! best student in the world! (: USS! go go go!! accounting assignment sucks man! gosh! the group have no idea what the hell we're doing seyh! hahahha! okok, i have no idea what to say coz i'm in the midst of doing the assignment! HAHAHAH
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today is the FIRST OF JUNE! (: HELLO JUNE BABIES~!! anyway, went to MLS camp briefing today and was SUPER GLAD that the camp was off and it was replaced with a 2-day day camp! YESSA!! HAHAHAHA! I'm Lovin' It! HAHA! i totally adore Justin Timberlake! So, after the MLS briefing, i went to a dikir barat practice and it was OKAY! emphasizes on the OKAY because it was really OKAY. hahah. so yeah, should i like continue or leave? i left band, so i'm like stuck with this CCA for now. who knows right? i might actually enjoy it like i used to enjoy band last time. heheh! so yeah. think i'll give it a try. anyway, the practice was OKAY! AHAHHAHA! (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
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LAST DAY OF MAY!!! (: (: june holidays, HERE I COME! (: hehehe. my exams are like straight away after the holidays so the holidays aren't really holidays. i have to study during the holidays and have no life. -__- OMG! it's okay suhaidah, there's the next holiday. (: YEAH MAN!! i just have to be patient. i can totally do that! anyway, i'm totally being patient towards one of my friends but once she stepped outta line, that's it man! i'm gonna trash her upside down! HAHHAHA
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hey heyyyyy joined band. meh. well, now i'm having dilemmas on whether should i just continue or quit. so how? now MLS. some of them are in MLS and if i'm not wring, Danial is also in MLS. so i dunno dunno. hahah. how? how? these pass few days, it's been terribly hot hot hot!! my gosh! the MRT is so damn near but only after walking 100m, i started to perspire. it's crazy hot!! i was like literally melting. now, i am starting to cough. must be the excessive STICKY sweets i've been eating. ahahah. MAY is ending and i haven started on paying back my fast. hahaha.. gotta get started soon... VERY VERY SOON!!!!! (: (:
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sooooo, school has been 2 weeks now. having great friends around. haha. cool stuff. now, i know now i suck at accounting. jeesh. regrets? grr. no idea. great, i'm like totally lost la in class. have no idea where the teachers are headed to in the slides. haha. totally messed up. hahaa. when will my hair grow longer and when will i start waking up 2 hours before going out to school to do my hair and stuff? will i ever learn to be MORE MORE FEMININE? what will my other friends think if the see the change in me? nah, think i'll stick to MY status quo. i'll stick to MY principles. the first impression i gave to my newly found friends were that i was naive and the type that will listen in during class.. haha.. well, they got me TOTALLY UPSIDE DOWN!! haha.. i am totally opposite of that. jeesh. im strong, tough and kinda rebellious at times. they should see me when i was in secondary school.. hahah
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GREAT!! school is starting tomorrow. -.- am i ready for it? could i handle the stress and struggles and whatnot? gosh, Allah, help me and guide me through these processes of Polytechnic? i hope i can pull these through. i wanna get a scholarship go overseas study. so got subsidy la duh.. if i didn't get a scholarship, i can't get the subsidy i would get and it'll cost me over what? $10,000. how can i dig up that amount of money within a year? oh god. i want to get a scholarship. please lighten my burden of whatever it is that is going to jump on me these 3 years and help me pave my way to success. AMIN!
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why do you keep popping up in my head everytime i have something important to do? why don't you just appear in my dreams where it's all lies there? well, from that quote, i'm sure all that whoever is reading this blog think i'm some weird girl but hey, if you know this person, you would never be wanting to fall for the person. haha. well, as far as school comes, everythings alright. new great friends, same old friends and new old friends. haha. tomorrow is going to be a fucking day where i need to go to mendaki to sign a form. i have no idea what shit form they are talking about but screw it. i don't fucking care. as long as i can get my fucking subsidy, it's all fine. and somehow important. well, more important things i need to deal with, what if i can't control my money? what if i spend it like as if it has no limit? all this fucking WHAT IFs are landing on me. i need to get new clothes and a new running shoe. adizero. OMG! is so damn pretty la. haha. anyw...
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well, this sucks. especially when you and your friend have been looking forward to studying together even though its a coincidence. gosh, me and Nab not in same class and my class only got like 20 students and there's only 5 malays in the class. -.- that sucks. i hope they are not like mats or minahs or nerdies.. -.- okay, i MUST get along with them well, coz as it is, we are going to be in the same class for a years at least. ): why didn't they put me in the same class as Nab? well, never too late to meet new friends hey. haha. anyway, school is starting tomorrow. really excited. haha. probably meeting Nab before we separate ways to our classes. haha
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11 CONSECUTIVE GOLD AWARDS! Singapore's record siaaaa!! haha. OMG! I can't tell you how proud I am of my juniors who played for the SYF this year! (: You guys played well, did great for the past 3 months. so proud! (: I can't give a word on how DAMN AWESOME I'm feeling right now. firestorm indeed is not an easy piece to play but well, you guys totally pull that through! GREAT JOB YOU GUYS!! (: And Shuqun Secondary School, AWESOME JOB! Festival Variations is totally a killer piece for trumpets and horns and these two sections are the stars of the piece. SALUTE AHHH!!! you guys totally rock that piece!!! (: haha! AWESOME!! to all SYF participants! GREAT JOB MAN!!! and ALL THE BEST! (:
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tomorrow is the Band's SYF day and i don't have a ticket. nevermind. maybe i'll just wait outside. it's only 15 minutes. i would't want to watch the whole thing coz i have to go to SP to collect my printer. jeesh. so troublesome. haix. anyway, i would like to wish the whole band all the best and i know you guys don't need any luck coz i know you guys will do your best tomorrow and sustain the band's achievement of getting a gold award for every SYF there is. (: i know you guys can do it! rest well, and be on alert tomorrow! (: so, as for me, im going to go with the band tomorrow so i have to reach the school early also. that means i need to reach Yuhua by 5.30! great. more sleep for me tonight. but i don't think there's a need. i'll just sleep in the bus tomorrow. today, HOT day! really! gosh, its SO DAMN HOT~! i'm literally melting. haha. 2 more wekks till school starts. (: AND KAYMOND,YOU OWE ME 5 BUCKS!!! HAHA
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beginning of a new month, and school is totally starting soon. mixed feelings. scared and excited both at the same time. i lost my mum's ez-link card and i haven't reported it yet. yes, i know its important that i report it but wth. screw it. haha. too lazy to head to the train station to report though the station is only 5 minutes away from my home. gosh. school is starting soon and i have not enough clothes to wear. all my clothes are since i was sec 3. man, i really need to shop for clothes the moment my pay comes to my bank account. haha. i have a few things to buy in mind. pants, shirts, bicycle, totally new shoes. i need to lead a stylish life instead of just a simple. i need to totally get used to this keyboard on my new laptop. gosh, i need to get use to it quick.
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so, i have officially stop working at Adecco. well, i have mixed feeling about leaving. happy as i don't have to wake up early morning to go to work and be late and wear smart casual and also, i don't have to sit for soooo long. haha. kinda sad as i'll be missing all of them for sure. Lizza, Kak Siti, Qiu Yue, Emily and Azrena. probably Alvin? lol. just worked with him for 2 weeks only. haha. anyway, i won't be missing Aunty Che' since i'll be seeing her now and then. i'll miss the noise and laughter in the office, i'll miss the gossips. ): haha wee really don't like MS. -.- lol. if any of you listed above reads this post, im sure you'll know. HAHA. (: gosh, i'll really miss them. hehe. so anyway, school is about to start soon on the 18th and i have orientation on the 11th so get ready? nah. not too soon. worry about my holidays first. haha. i wanna spend every bit of it with fun with my friends! (: so, sleepover is cancelled. well, not all m...
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okay, two more weeks of working and i'm done. list of things to do before school term starts: - buy a laptop from the roadshow at school - buy some stationeries. (you are so out of stationeries after O levels. haha) - make the student pass and ezlink card ar whatever.. -.- well, on Wednesday, 16th march, Danial, Brandon and yslf went to Celine's to do up our resume for Esplanade usher job. on our way home, we talked about being attached during poly life. Danial betted with me 5 bucks (-.-) that Brandon will get a girlfriend withing two weeks from staring school. i betted he can't. hah. two weeks is so short! you can't get a girlfriend within two weeks. haha. and then both of them SAID (not bet) that i will get a boyfriend within a year during the second semester. well, i couldn't say, " NOO!" because who's knew right? haha. but i don't really think that i could. why? i just dont know. haha. maybe i could. gosh. confused. -.- haha. anyway yeah and o...
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Okay, I really need to stop work now and relax for awhile to think about school. I need new laptop and things that I need for school which aren't determined yet. Gosh. And I seriously need to stop complaining. But why should I? I'm gonna study maritime business, which will once in a while set me off land, and now I'm working with some human resource stuff which will be totally on land. Haha. So what imtrying to say of you don't get it, it's like I'm a mermaid who belongs to the sea but am forced to remain on land. Haha. Too dramatic hey? Well, super excited for school and can't wait to start studying. Want to get a damn good scholarship to go to local of overseas uni and get degree, or BA, or masters, or whatever that I could get with god's willings. (: Amin. (:
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Well well well. Work work work. 5 more dreadful weeks. Jeesh! Haha. Seriously, I could die of boredom. And someone from Indonesia just called me WTF! how in the world did he get my number. That was way way too freaky and awfully WEIRD!! haha. Serious man! LOL! and anyway, today is the last say of February. Pay day is 7th march. Which is like next week. -.- hell. I want money like now! GRRR!!! :@ haha. Got mybenrolment package on 23rd february and giving it personally on Wednesday with Nabilah. (: okay okay. I way to join alumni band. Lol. Haha. I want to continue playing trumpet FOREVER!! haha
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It's my third day of work. (: so far okay la. in the office, I'm not that scared but when I come home and think of the next day of work, I get damn scared. Haha. :X dunno why. Lol. Today freaking Valentine's Day. Lol. Okay, cannot celebrate coz I'm a muslim. Work is okay but Uh, still awkward with the others la. Really, want go home also like dunno can or not. Haha. Ooh I'm craving for bubble tea. Haha okay la. Tomorrow lol. A lot of people think that office work is relaxing and not that tough. Well, they're DEAD WRONG!! Haha. Really, on my first day, when I reached home I was super tired. Haha. Really. But second say come okay la. Also the second say nobody in the office after 1430, so I was literally alone. Haha. For the last hour, I played solitaire coz got nothing else to do. Third day which is today, was damn fast. My lunch was at 1300 so I had 5 hours for the first half of the day. It went by like it was only 2 hours. True story. Haha. Everybody was rushi...
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It's the new year already. 2011. (: I'm sitting at home with like nothing to do coz there's no school for me this term. Till April, I'll be darn free. No work. Haha. Lazy Uh. Nontheless, I have to go back to my secondary school coz of band. Mess that well, my senior is suppose to clean up, I have to do it. ): what the hell. Hmph. GRRR. So unfair. But besides that, I can meet my juniors which is okay la. Rather than just doing work than nobody to meet or talk to in school. Haha. But still come on. Anyway, gonna watch movie today. Guilliver's Travels. Then after, going mosque for religious class with my friends. (: then back home and sleep get ready for tomorrow need to go back school to clean up the steel drum room which is DAMN DUSTY. Haha. (: