so, i have officially stop working at Adecco. well, i have mixed feeling about leaving. happy as i don't have to wake up early morning to go to work and be late and wear smart casual and also, i don't have to sit for soooo long. haha. kinda sad as i'll be missing all of them for sure. Lizza, Kak Siti, Qiu Yue, Emily and Azrena. probably Alvin? lol. just worked with him for 2 weeks only. haha. anyway, i won't be missing Aunty Che' since i'll be seeing her now and then. i'll miss the noise and laughter in the office, i'll miss the gossips. ): haha wee really don't like MS. -.- lol. if any of you listed above reads this post, im sure you'll know. HAHA. (: gosh, i'll really miss them. hehe. so anyway, school is about to start soon on the 18th and i have orientation on the 11th so get ready? nah. not too soon. worry about my holidays first. haha. i wanna spend every bit of it with fun with my friends! (: so, sleepover is cancelled. well, not all m...