Fifty Shades of Fucked Up

Look at me through my eyes And feel the pain I hide inside All I hear are goodbyes Will someone ever be by my side? The mirror it tells About who I really am Girl lost without love I suck at poetry!! Haha! anyway, I am finally reading FIFTY SHADES OF GREY !!! HAHA! finally, man! bought 2 days ago. almost finished reading the first book. a few more pages to go. Man, there's a lot of sex going on! Christian is described as a fuckingly gorgeous bitch ass crazy control freak shit whacked nut job. Anastasia (lovely name) is not so innocent like a virgin she used to be. She is persistent and has the courage of the world. Very eager and very beautiful. Life is full of surprises and unexpectedness. You have no idea what is going to happen when its going to happen. Whatever Christian had with those 15 other girls he's been with, he has never had a girl like Ana before. She totally took him by surprise. Maybe he's fifty shades of fucked up then after Mrs. R. Bu...