Be happy
Be happy. Be happy for everyone. Even if it's for the person you don't know or don't like. Doesn't matter. But especially, be happy for the people you love. No matter how jealous you are of them. Just be happy. Being happy for someone doesn't just make you feel better, it'll motivate you to do better. Yes, you might feel sad about yourself because you're not getting what the other person has but at the least, you're kinda happy that they are happy. Be happy for others. Don't let other people's success or happiness bring you down because you don't have a fucking clue what shitty messed up things they had to go through to be where they are, be what they are now. It's nice to be happy for others. Trust me. Put a smile on their faces as well as yours. Though you know inside you're jealous as fuck but you know that you are hapy for them as well, no matter who they are. Keep smiling, Suhaidah