First 2 months of 2016 was good. Nothing bad happened except for the fact that I couldn't still find a house to rent in Plymouth. Come first Friday of March, my manager and I got called down to the cafe by our boss. Dropped a huge ass bomb on us. First he talked about how the maritime industry isn't doing well. Then, he goes on to saying that the company isn't doing well. Then he told us that we are going to be laid off. Retrenched. Damn... With 6 more months left in Singapore, I cannot afford to be laid off work now. 6 months may seem enough time for employers to hire part-timers. But I'm going to Bali in April. Leaving on 3rd of September and I probably need time to sort out my things before leaving Singapore for 2 years. So, that will leave me with about 3-4 months. Would any employer hire someone just for that few months? Before the news, I could not wait for August to come so that I could finally leave the company. But I would not have thought that it ...