My Temporary Job (Esprit)
So I've found myself a temporary job, a part-time job at Esprit as a retail assistant. I've had a part time job before back in 2011 when I worked as a temporary payroll assistant. But that was working in the office, 5 days a week kinda job. Doesn't really feel like a part-time job. This, working as a retail assistant, working during weekends, with so many off days feels like a part-time job. I was really glad I found a job. This job. Though I kind of feel like I was downgrading myself. From an office person who should be still working at Senat Shipping got retrenched and started working in retail. Thought I wasn't really going to enjoy working as a front liner in retail because it is way way outside my comfort zone. I was wrong. It has been 3 weeks in since I have started working at Esprit and I am really enjoying it. I really do. Serving customers (fucking strangers) and other retail stuff (you know, folding clothes and such). So far, I have not yet encountered stu...