yo! went to band today and its like whoa...... section dunno how to read a grade 3 rhythm. so sick! WTH.. ok nvm dun wanna talk about unhappy times that'll spoil my mood so.... on the bright side, i've done my prototype and happy happy. hahah. okok, so im dine with ideation and development so wads left will be the research i'm missing out on and a few others to touch up on my dear journal... so, MYE coming!! JIAYOUs ppl ! make your teachers proud and prove them wrong upside down! hahaha
Hey guys! Finally have started school. It's Wednesday and I'm done for the first week. HAH! How 'bout that? Anyway, University life and poly is very different. Poly is like when you're about 3 or 4 years old and your mum is kinda feeding you but you also feed yourself kind of thing, you know. University is when you are 5 years old; your mother will tell you what to eat and you feed yourself. Well, at least that's what degree is like. I can't imagine people taking their Master's Degree and PHD. *Oh, and one of my housemate, the Spanish girl, sutdies PHD in marine sciences.* So, A LOT of self study which is honestly not what I am up to. I already have an assessment to do. Deadline is in 3 months and I have no fucking idea what to do. So, yay for me! And it's like 50%. I can't even... So I mentioned in my previous post that I have a housemate that already moved in before I did. For the sake of privacy, let's call him J. He's British and ...