i'm @ my sickening home now...

5 bad things happened so far
  1. woek up late dis m0rning s0 can't g0 2 sk00l.. (lucky n0t feeling well...)
  2. went 2 the d0ct0r...
  3. wait 4 lyk 30 min dhen the d0c called...
  4. g0t an injecti0n 0n the butt.. hurts al0t..
  5. can't seem t0 0n my handph0

5 gud things happened s0 far

  • get 2 rest m0re
  • n0 remedial
  • m0re 0n the internet
  • spend m0re tym wif baby sister
  • n0 MDM KUM... w00h00..

very gud nn bad rite.. lyk shiit l0rh.. my mum fire c0me 0ut aredii la..

g0tta g0





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