today g0rt maths trail... it's lyk the m0st b0ring thing i've ever d0ne in my entire lyf...well, s0rt 0f..
after math trail dhen g0 JE g0 practice the ROLL OF THUNDER HEAR MY CRY... the scene.. actually.. we nvr act la.. we lyk say say 0ni l0rh.. dhen after we c0me, we r @ the 4th level la dhen dhen ab0ut 2pm lyk dhat then vallenn, peien nn gang g0 sit ar0und Raymond... s0ri nvr say b0ut him...dhen wad we g0 second fl00r g0 dunno juz chit chat 0ver there.. dhen Sathia came wif his fren... dhen he t0k s0 l0ud kena sc0lding by librarian.. HAHAxxx... dhen we g0 h0me.. l00k inside a cl0thing sh0p. michelle said she wanna d0 gr0up T-shirt 0ni f0r 0ur lit gr0up.. this year 0ni la... nex year then class t-shirt.. dhen we all wan but then dunno the ziyang la.. but then expensive siia... dhen n0ting else t0 d0 then g0 h0me l0rh..
dhen still need 2m0rr0w need t0 g0 the library again c0z me nn ziyang cann0t make it 0n sunday. s0 must d0 it 2m0rr0w la...
dats all la...


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